The Highlander is a program for a special kind of longevity — strongevity.
There are three basic approaches to fight aging:
Stasis: Live in the now and do nothing to defy age. This the common approach of most people.
Traditional Longevity: Traditional longevity is a practice of extending life often combined with a focus on extending health span as defined by “good health” and the avoidance of major disease.
Strongevity. Strongevity is the practice of life extension with a focus on physical and mental strength. Those who practice strongevity don’t seek to merely extend healthy life. They seek to extend thriving life.
Training for longevity can yield a longer life than those who do nothing. Training for strongevity yields higher peaks when young and old, ending in the same place as those who train for mere longevity.
The difference between surviving and thriving is stark. Strength is what determines your direction. The greatest sign of aging is physical frailty and mental decay. Strength is the antithesis of frailty and decay. That makes training for strength our greatest tool to combat the effects of aging most detrimental to daily life.
Not only do those who train for strongevity start to feel like the average person when the average person has already died, strongevity proponents also have higher absolute highs in the peak of life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in his seminal training book The Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding:
“I have never seen a case in which an individual made progress in bodybuilding without experiencing an accompanying boost in self-esteem, self-confidence, and enjoyment of life.”
When we are strong, we feel strong mind and body. When we look strong, we act strong mind and body. When we exert strength, we get stronger mind and body.
Choose your path.