Highlanders should run a 2 week CGM protocol 1-2x per year. The purpose is to see how high glucose levels spike 30-90 minutes post eating. The Highlander Standard says we should see glucose levels stay below 120 ng/dL post eating, especially when following the Three Strikes Diet. Glucose levels should be below 90 ng/dL when fasting.
The only time my glucose levels spike above 120 ng/dL are when I drastically veer off of the Three Strikes Diet.
Here are three ways to get a CGM:
Use a service that focuses on metabolic health like Levels (disclosure, my firm is an investor). Levels will provide you with access to a CGM as well as an app to track and manage diet to do a better job managing glucose spikes.
Try an online prescription service like Push Health. Push is a service that lets patients connect with prescribing doctors to request certain kinds of medicines for a fee. You may be able to request a CGM as a refill. Anecdotally, other Highlanders have suggested they used Push to get access to medicines like rapamycin and metformin.
Ask your primary care doctor. Explain that you want to use it to manage your metabolic health and improve your diet to avoid diabetes. A CGM carries no real risk to the user, so your doctor may be willing to prescribe you a CGM for longevity purposes. Your insurance may not cover the cost of it, which is about $130 for a box of two devices.
Disclaimer: None of this is medical advice. For prescriptions, always consult with your doctor no matter how you legally obtain the prescription. The Highlander Program is designed for beginners new to practicing for strongevity. As with all exercise and diet programs, consult with a doctor and/or trainer.